Miami’s 3 best beaches for fashion and swimwear photo shoots

Since we’re approaching colder times I thought I’d share my 3 favorite Miami beaches for swimwear and fashion shoots with you, so you can dream back a little to what I’m sure was an amazing summer.

Crandon Beach, Key Biscayne

Anyone visiting Miami should drive the Rickenbacker Causeway to Key Biscayne - a residential island with fabulous beaches - at least once. The views from the Causeway are phenomenal.

The most picture perfect Biscayne beach - in my opinion - is the southern part of Crandon.

Pros: big parking lot right by the beach, convenient changing & rest rooms, quiet, lots of palm trees, small dunes, neutral colored lifeguard huts.

Cons: often a layer of algae collects by the shoreline; beach is not as pristine as Miami Beach; the water is not as pretty as in South Beach.

Crandon Beach, Key Biscayne

Crandon Beach, Key Biscayne

Matheson Hammock Park

This is the beach very close to my house. It has a circular, palm-fringed lagoon, a little restaurant and a marina.

Pros: quiet, convenient parking, changing and restrooms, palm trees.

Cons: water is not a vibrant blue, it’s also further south, about 30-45 mins drive from Miami Beach.

Fashion shoot on Matheson Hammock Beach, Miami

Matheson Hammock Park, Miami

South Beach

Oh South Beach! That powdery sand and translucent water are hard to beat. And the soft morning light is incredible. BUT, like all things, it comes with a few cons too. My favorite part of the beach is the southern most point, near South Pointe Pier.

Pros: pristine large white sandy beach, clean turquoise ocean, quaint lifeguard huts in all shapes and colors.

Cons: It’s not as convenient as the other beaches. Parking options are at least 10 mins walk away, same for the restrooms. The beach is normally quite crowded, except early mornings.

Swimwear photoshoot on South Beach, Miami Beach

Lifeguard hut at sunset, Miami Beach

Also, an update from my end. I’m excited to be adding beauty to my specializations! I’m working hard to put a portfolio together which I’ll share in the next newsletter. I also added a health+wellness portfolio to my website. You can view it here.

If you’d like to work with me, you can either bring in your team and we work together, or you can just send me your pieces and I work independently, i.e. I take care of all production, photography and videography and then return the pieces to you afterwards. It’s a much more budget and time-friendly way to create content for your campaigns.

My number: 305.542.6759


If you’d like to learn more about my independent turnkey shoots, you can read about them in this post here.

Love, Femke


